Roadphone NRB

Radios For Oil & Gas Rig Communications

Extreme temperatures and ambient conditions such as moisture, blowing sand and dust can wreak havoc on communication networks, creating unique challenges for ensuring reliable communication. Oil and gas are still key to our power consumption needs and with renewable energy on the rise it still accounts for a small percentage when compared. Roadphone NRB offer a selection of radios for oil and gas rig communications. 

Improving Safety With Our Radios For Oil And Gas Rigs

So, we will take a look into how communications within the sector can be improved to enable better decision-making for greater safety and productivity.

When reviewing some of the main security concerns on an oilrig, we find that some may require immediate attention and may endanger human life, the environment, or have an adverse effect on company assets and/or reputation.

• Serious Accidents/ Fatalities
• Medical Evacuation
• Man Missing
• Hydrogen Sulphide
• Severe Environment/ Weather Conditions
• Fire or Explosion
• Loss of Well Control/ Blow Out
• Failure of the Rig Structure

GPS Location Tracking

Better respond to chalanges with up-to-date location information.

Remote Fleet Control

Make Changes to radios in your fleet wihtout having to leave the control room.

Voice Announcements

Make voice announcements from the control room, to groups or individuals.

Text Messaging

Use text messaging when discretion is required or routine communication needs to be delivered.

Job Ticketing

Integrated ticketing system which allows dispatchers to create, assign and track job tickets through the radio network.

Indoors Location Tracking

GPS Signal drops indoors, a separate indoor tracking system can located users instantly.

Alarms & Lone Worker

Messages at specific time intervals to confirm workers wellbeing, managers are reassured that their employees are safe.

Remote Fleet Control

Make Changes to radios in your fleet wihtout having to leave the control room.


Make voice announcements from the control room, to groups or individuals.

SIP Interconnect

Connect your radio system to a SIP based phone system allowing you to make direct calls to desk phones

Building Managment Systems

Connect to a BMS to get instant configurable alerts through the radio system.

IP Multi-Site Connect

Connect multiple sites over an IP connection allowing for voice and data transmissions between the sites.

DMR and IP Linked Radio Systems For Reliable Communications

Thirty years ago, communications between offshore facilities and onshore locations was limited to a basic two-way radio system and daily reports. Back then, oilfield workers stationed offshore were virtually cut off from the rest of the world. With the rise of DMR and IP Linked Radio systems, Endurance Technology® can now provide a communications system that not only allows for instant reliable and resilient communications onboard an oil rig but much more…

Whilst oil rigs have worked hard to increase safety for staff there were 263 dangerous occurrences reported in 2016 alone. This represents a serious threat to staff safety as well as downtime for the rig as a whole.

Extreme temperatures and ambient conditions such as moisture, blowing sand and dust can wreak havoc on communication networks, creating unique challenges for ensuring reliable communication. Furthermore, these sites are very small, so systems must be quite compact yet still reliably handle all the traffic.

Of course, all equipment placed onto an oilrig must be ATEX Rated to ensure protection against fire and explosion.

All of these emergency situations require instantaneous communications to effectively co-ordinate staff and emergency personnel. With the advancement in IP connected systems a radio system can be fully monitored remotely, including GPS information and Man Down data, enabling operators to reduce the overhead of sending staff out to a Rig whilst also reducing risk for that member of personnel.

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